"Here's one of the few mega rarities that deserves the title "AOR masterpiece". JEFFREY ROSS recorded this highlight in 1988 and with these 10 incredible songs he plays easily in the same major league like STAN BUSH, TIM FEEHAN or CLIF MAGNESS.
I'm not kidding, you'll get one killer track after another!
"Just Say How" for example opens the album in a stunning way... What a chorus! This is the definition of pure AOR. "Family Man" comes along like a forgotten TIM FEEHAN song, while the fabulous "God Knows" easily knocks down every STAN BUSH song and leaves you breathless with a killer hookline! "Can't Run Away" sounds like pure CLIF MAGNESS and "Breakdown" is a wonderful typical 80's sounding power ballad.
These were only the first 5 tracks - no bummer here - only killers! And I promise you: it goes on with the same high quality!
Forget other mega rare AOR pieces, that are only praised as must haves because they are rare. This is not only rare, it is KILLER!"
Sold for $123.50 on ebay.