The DC music scene is predominated by indie pop these days, but The Silver Liners (Jay Nemeyer, guitar/vox; John Patton, guitar; Matt Hartenau, drums; Dan Miraldi, keys/vox; Ray Remesch, bass) just want people to get rocked. The boys have just released their seven song EP, "Just Like The Rest", which is available on iTUNES, Napster, and Amazon. The band has been featured on DC101's Local Lix and they've earned a finalist position in the Last Band Standing Contest. Now, they are hoping to reach out to the ears of rockers all across the US.
While you could safely describe the sound of The Silver Liners as modern rock, there are clear hints of 90s alternative rock influence. The combination works well and is going to be pleasing to fans of Foo Fighters to Fall Out Boy. We like them because The Silver Liners strive to craft a melody that stands out and hooks the listener - and generally they nail it. It is also refreshing to hear keyboards once again in rock music - Nemeyer has done a remarkable job incorporating the keys in tasteful fashion. The band's potential is maximized on infectious tracks like "Heard It From A Friend", "Inside Your Head", "Cheer Up Alex", and "Like Clay". Vocals are solid, but to my ears they seem drowned out at times because too much effect was applied.
"Just Like The Rest" is a fairly impressive start for a new band - keep at it, guys. You keep those catchy melodies coming and The Silver Liners will make a CD that can go gold.
iPOD-worthy: 2, 3, 6, 7
The Silver Liners on MySpace.