Hard rock/AOR
The Poodles are a hard rock band from Sweden pumping out vintage 80s AOR covered in a modern sheen. The band has achieved some notable accomplishments in their home land since forming in 2005 and even wrote the Official Swedish Theme Song for the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008.
Despite the band’s ridiculous name, The Poodles have bite. Sonically the CD sounds terrific – these guys have taken the glam rock influences they’ve grown up with and infused them with modern guitar tones, so the songs sound less dated. Unfortunately, what they don’t have in abundance are memorable hooks, and sometimes the lead vocals go up into a range that only dogs should be able to hear. I found my mind wandering far too often and had to force myself to pay attention to many of these songs. Some of the exceptions include rockers like “Cuts Like A Knife” and “Bring Back The Night”, and the power ballad “I Believe In You”. I also really enjoyed “Father To A Son”, which is lyrically a cut above the rest and also features a kicking chorus.
The Poodles are not ‘Best In Show’, but some tracks will make you sit at attention. Others will make you roll over and play dead. Throw them a bone if you’re a fan of Motley Crue, Dokken, or Hinder. “Performocracy” arrives May 3 on Frontiers Records.
iPOD-worthy: 3, 4, 5, 10
The Poodles on MySpace. Official site.
Check out the video for “I Want It All”